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Use of ClyA Hemolysin for Protein Export and Vaccines

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The UMB inventor has engineered a novel protein export system for efficiently producing recombinant protein from a host cell, constructed with a genetically stabilized expression plasmid incorporating the protein of interest fused to the ClyA hemolysin of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. Used in a live-vector vaccine, this system allows the export of heterologous antigen for significant enhancement of vaccine immmunogenicity. The ClyA export system has proven efficacious for enhancing the immune response in several vaccine models, including in monkeys exposed to anthrax toxin using a mucosal priming dose followed by parenteral boost.


Recombinant protein production.
Live-vector vaccines.


-Offers exceptional versatility for constructing live-vector vaccines with enhanced immunogenicity.
-Minimizes metabolic burden on the recombinant host cell.
-Potential to express proteins normally toxic to host cells.
-No detectable host cell lysis.

Stage of Development

Demonstrated utility for enhancing immune response in multiple animal vaccine models, including for anthrax and malaria vaccines.

R&D Required

May be readily employed for expression of a variety of proteins of commercial interest.

Licensing Potential

UMB seeks a development partner in multiple fields.

Contact Info

Office of Technology Transfer
620 W Lexington St., 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (410) 706-2380