Selective Plating Medium for Isolation of Salmonella

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Researchers at the University of Maryland, Department of Veterinary Medicine, in collaboration with researchers from the USDA, have developed an agar-based plating medium for the isolation of Salmonella species. This medium has been repeatedly demonstrated to be superior to other media in isolating Salmonella from both clinical and environmental samples. The medium selectively allows the growth of Salmonella while inhibiting the growth of other bacteria. Thus low-levels of Salmonella in mixed cultures of bacteria can be detected that might otherwise be masked by competing strains. Time and expense are saved, as fewer colonies need to be screened, and less media is required.

A non-exclusive license to this technology includes rights to a drag swab method for optimal isolation of Salmonella species from environmental samples, as described in case# 02-88-015.

U.S. Patent No. 5,208,150

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