Indexing RDF and Temporal RDF Databases

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Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a widely used World Wide Web Consortium standard. However, the indexing of large volumes of data still poses many difficulties, with methods of indexing still being developed. A certain type of RDF query, a graph based query, necessitates the traversal of edges in the graph determined by an RDF database.

Researchers at the University of Maryland have developed a very lightweight indexing mechanism for graph-based RDF queries, among others. The developed index, which is a tree data structure, is called GRIN. The GRIN indexing technique outperforms Jena, Sesame, and RDFBroker graph based queries in at least three areas: answering time, index memory storage, and index building time. The new structure is able to have considerably faster index build times as well as faster query answers because GRIN avoids time-consuming join operations.

If you would like to review additional information or further discuss the technology with the inventors please contact the Office of Technology Commercialization at 301-405-3947 or [email protected].

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UM Ventures
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