Automated Kriegspiel Chess Player

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Kriegspiel is a chess game played without visual awareness of the opponent pieces and opponents do not know what moves an adversary has made.

One needs three boards for the game traditional game. Players receive partial information from a referee that allows them to guess where the opponent's pieces may be. Only a referee knows exactly the real position of both sets of pieces.

Players move as in normal chess. When a move is legal, the referee announces that the player has moved, and the turn is done. When the move is not legal, the referee also announces that the player attempted an illegal move, and the player must make a new attempt to move, until he makes a legal move.
Both players hear all announcements by the referee. Announcements include the capture of pieces and check.

Researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park have developed an automated Kriegspiel player.

For licensing information please contact the Office of Technology Commercialization, 301 405 3947 or by e-mail at [email protected]


used as a computer aided program for kreigspiel


removes the need for a additional boards and referee needed for kreigspiel

Contact Info

UM Ventures
0134 Lee Building
7809 Regents Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (301) 405-3947 | Fax: (301) 314-9502