Medication Management Instrument for Deficiencies in the Elderly (MedMalDE)

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Denise Orwig and Nicole Brandt at University of Maryland Baltimore, have developed a questionnaire for the use of nonmedical personnel (untrained caregivers such as family members, volunteers, or staff aides) to assess an older adult's ability to manage medications in the home setting.


Assessment of medication management abilities of older adults. Improve medication compliance. Reduce adverse events due to mismanagement. Identify and remedy specific deficiencies in medication management. Empower informal caregivers to assess medication management early in the process.


Comprehensive instrument covers three domains important for medication adherence (knowledge, ability, and procurement). Assessment is based on both knowledge and behavior. Designed for use in the home environment. Designed for use by nonmedical professionals.

Stage of Development

Development is complete except for formal assessment of the education level needed to be able to read, understand, and administer.

R&D Required


Licensing Potential

UM seeks a development partner via an exclusive or non-exclusive license agreement and/or sponsored research.

Contact Info

Office of Technology Transfer
620 W Lexington St., 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (410) 706-2380